A book to make you cry. . .
This emotional tale of discovering where home is has been on a long creative journey before having finally been published earlier this year. Its author Nicola Davies visited Number Seven in 2014 and kindly read King of the Sky to our visitors. She also discussed the personal and emotional responses the story had already garnered and future plans to develop a stage play. Since then her vision of a theatrical production has been realised including performances at the Hay Festival two years running.

The book tells the story of a young Italian boy, forced to flee his home country and seek refuge in the Welsh Hills. He desperately misses the 'sunlight, fountains and the vanilla smell of ice cream' in his Grandma's shop but one thing reminds him of all these past delights and that is Mr Evans' pigeons. Together they train Re Del Cielo, 'King of the Sky' and it is this small action that helps the boy discover where he now belongs is home.
On reading King of the Sky you cannot but think of the current refugee crisis in Europe, which has sadly escalated in the time of Nicola writing the book and its publication.
Endorsed by Amnesty International this is a wonderful story to remind adults and educate children that our country has always welcomed immigrants and refugees throughout the centuries. The text is not preaching in its delivery but offers a gentle, heart warming insight into those that have sought to make new lives in strange lands when really their hearts would rather have not left their homeland.
Number Seven currently has signed copies of King of the Sky available for you to purchase, they have been signed by both Nicola Davies and award winning illustrator Laura Carlin. Copies are priced at £12.99 and postage can be arranged throughout the UK by calling the shop direct on 01398 324457.
When Nicola popped in briefly to Number Seven in April she gave me a gift, a signed copy of King of the Sky. She also signed copies of Lots which was also published this year. In fact, you will find a selection of Nicola's titles on the shelves at Number Seven. Do pop in to see the full selection.

You can listen to Nicola reading King of the Sky on the recording made at Number Seven below
There is singing too!